Rob and Potato brought Zac back in to finish up some of the things we were talking about last week. It wasn't too difficult to bring him back into the studio, and we hope you…
Date Archives October 2021
Into the Fold
Rob and Potato sit down with Zac who has been a real newcomer in the world of TTRPG's. While Zac has played video games that resemble so many aspects of Dungeons and Dragons, he has…
Crappy House Rules
We took to Reddit to find some of the most horrible House Rules we could muster! Rob and Potato take a look at some of these mega crap-chute style rules that other players have had…
Party Sizes and Etiquette
Rob and Potato lean into what they feel is the best party size and make up, along with some decent etiquette rules when it comes to how things should go while at the table. We…
Starting Hooks
Rob and Potato launch right into the starting hooks for your home-brew campaigns. It isn't every day that you get to start a new campaign again, so you want to make it epic, memorable, and…